Day one or one day, you decide


Don’t you just love some sappy inspirational Facebook quote to get your blog post started?

Date: 12/06/2017

Starting Weight: 132 lbs

Weight Today: 132 lbs

Day #1

Ok, day 1. Here we go. I woke up in the right mentality, which is always good. I got a good night of sleep, which is a good step in the right direction. I am ready! I have a plan and I am going to stick to that plan. I am going to dedicate myself to making myself a better person, inside and out.

Yesterday, after having that moment of realization that something needed to be done about my weight, I signed up for weight watchers. I wanted a plan that didn’t require me to purchase any special meals, shakes or vitamins. I have had several friends who are on the program who have had great success, while eating everyday foods, and using their point system. I chose the online program, which costs about $20 a month and is only online, no meetings included. I am allowed 23 points a day, plus 28 “flex” points a week. If I exercise, I get work out points, which I can use towards food. I am using their phone app to keep track of my daily points.


Weight Watchers US

First step, breakfast. The meal I dread. Why you ask? Pressure. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. How many times have you heard that? “Start your day off with a good breakfast.” They make it sound so easy.  My morning usually consist of me, being a crazy person, following after 3 kids, fix and have the kids eat a healthy, nutritionally balanced breakfast, get dressed, get their teeth brushed, get their stuff all ready to go and be out the door, so I’m not late for my job. Sounds easy peasy, right?

Today, I had a plan! I was prepared (insert mighty trumpet music here)! I was going to have avocado toast!


Avocado toast:

1 piece of whole wheat, whole grain bread (3 weight watchers points)

1/2 ripe avocado (5 weight watchers points)

1 egg, poached (0 weight watchers points)

Toast bread (if desired), mash 1/2 an avocado (I sometimes add a little bit of lime juice to add a little zing) and spread mash on toast,  and then poach egg to desired consistency and put on top.

BAM! Avocado toast! (Total of 8 weight watchers points)

Only downside, 8 weight watchers points! That is 1/3 of my daily points allowed. I gobbled up my avocado toast and prayed it held me until lunch.  Its almost lunch time now, and I’m still good, which surprises me.

Second step, water. Lots and lots of water. Then when I think I’ve had a enough water, MORE WATER! Most professionals recommend that you take your weight, divide it by half and drink that much water, in ounces. If I weigh 132 lbs, that means I should be drinking no less than 66 ounces of water a day. My goal is to eventually start drinking a gallon of water a day (128 ounces), but for right now, while I get into the swing of things, I’ll use 66 ounces as a starting point. (Of course, there are special recommendations for those with health issues and those women who are pregnant and breastfeeding. Please refer to your family doctors for water recommendations if you have any questions or concerns.) The thought of drinking 66 ounces of water seems a little daunting, but when I thought about it, I was drinking 4 to 6 12 ounce cans of soda, A DAY, which means I was drinking between 48 and 72 ounces a day! If I can do that, water should be no problem.

How much water should you drink?

Lunch is quickly approaching and I am not worried! I knew, before I even walked out the door this morning, that my breakfast was going to use 1/3 of my daily points, so I planned for a protein shake for lunch. My usual lunch consisted of local fast food, mostly burgers and fries, which was usually served cold and gross, because a 30 minute lunch break at work doesn’t allow a lot of time to sit down at a restaurant and enjoy my food. This was not only a waste of calories, but a waste of money! I would order based on pictures on a menu (which always look amazing)  My favorite shakes are premier protein. I am a choco-holic. I absolutely love chocolate. This helps with the hunger for a couple of hours and gives me the chocolate sweetness that I crave during the day.


Premier Protein on Amazon

I’m only 1/2 way through my day today, and still feeling confident that this is doable. I don’t have cravings for my usual foods, which is good. That is always my greatest concern, because for those who know me, I have very little, if no, self control.

The next step for me will be to add in exercise. This will probably be the most difficult aspect for me. Not because I hate exercising, I love it, but when will I have the time? I work an 8-5 job and then I have 3 kids to fix and serve a  healthy and nutritious dinner for, do homework with, shower and get in bed, all by 8:30 at night. When 8:30 pm rolls around, and I get everyone settled in bed, all I want to do is flop. I just want to put my comfy sweats on and flop in bed, falling asleep the instant my head hits the pillow. My goal is to fit at least 30 minutes of exercise in a day, 5 days a week. I work in a call center during the day, so its about as sedentary as sedentary gets. I get 2 15 minute breaks, plus a 30 minute lunch a day. My plan is to go for a walk every chance I get. If I can get 1 mile of walking in a day, I’ll be a happy gal. I am using a fitbit charge 2 to track my steps, heart rate, water intake and sleep.

charge2-plum-silver-tpu-regular-0-ec2314f1fcf65d1f2efbecee5cb0e5f5 (1) Fitbit Charge 2

The fit bit part itself has its own app, which is great, because it tracks exercise, sleep, heart rate, water intake, food and weight, but once it has all of that information, it doesn’t really do much other than store it. It doesn’t tell you to increase your water intake, or exercise more. It just says you walked “x” amount of steps yesterday and drank “x” amount of water (which you have to add manually). Once the fitbit app connects to the weight watchers app, then it puts all of the information together and gives you a plan. Weight waters app doesn’t have any input for water intake, so the fitbit app would be a good way to go if you are interested in tracking that.

So for me, its day 1. I’m making the change TODAY! I am making the change for a better, healthier life, where I feel good about myself, both inside and out!

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